Steps to Take Before Turning on Your Furnace

Once cold weather hits, who isn’t ready to race to turn on their furnace? Before you get overly excited, pause a few minutes and review this checklist. While it seems straightforward to walk over and turn your unit on, there are actually several steps you should take...

Things that Affect Your Air Quality

Poor air quality in homes is not fun to experience and is usually noticed almost immediately. There are several factors that can play into the health of the air in your house from pollution entering from outside to pets or appliances in the house. With all the time...

5 Money-Saving HVAC Tips

In a world where prices are ever-increasing, many people are searching for clever ways to save money. Your HVAC system is the perfect place to start. In 2018, U.S. consumers spent 1.3 trillion dollars on energy which amounts to an incredible $3,891 per person!  What’s...