Preparing Your HVAC System for Fall

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The change in seasons is the time to stop thinking about cooling off and start thinking about warming up. Autumn’s arrival means temperatures start to drop in the evenings.

The best time to prepare your heating, air conditioning and ventilation unit for the cooler fall weather is before it arrives. A well-maintained and serviced HVAC system minimizes the risk of breakdowns when you need a warm home the most.

Much of HVAC maintenance will require the services of an expert technician. There are a few steps you can take to prepare your residential unit that supplies heating and air in Snellville, GA, before fall’s chill arrives.

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Check Your Filters

One of the easiest tasks to prepare your HVAC unit for the fall is to check the filter. An air filter clogged by dirt, dust and other airborne contaminants from the summer’s usage can prevent your unit from heating efficiently. It can also cause the unit to work harder to maintain comfort, leading to higher energy bills, reduced performance, and even potential breakdown. Check and replace or clean your air filters during the fall to ensure efficiency.

Look Outside

Leaves and other fall debris can settle on the coils and other working parts of an outdoor unit, affecting the air flow. If you have an outdoor unit, take time to clean the dirt and debris in the area around it to ensure the unit operates properly and without interference.

Schedule Maintenance Early

The first weeks of winter are typically the busiest time for calls to HVAC technicians, so you want to schedule a preventative maintenance appointment for heating and air conditioning service in Snellville, GA. As fall begins, have your system thoroughly inspected. A tune-up will improve your HVAC system’s efficiency to give your home warmth when late fall and winter arrives.

Don’t wait. Set up a checkup for your HVAC system. Schedule an appointment with the experts at Triad Mechanical to make sure your home is warm and comfortable.
